최종 출판된 copy의 겉표지에서 주제목은 안 바뀌었지만, 부제목은 바뀌었다.
원래 부제였던 Global Perspectives from the 14th Century to the Present Day 대신에 세 부제 Historical Cases on the Environment-Health Nexus가 확정되어 출판되었다.

Ruuskanen, Esa, and Heini Hakosalo, eds. In Pursuit of Healthy Environments: Historical Cases on the Environment-Health Nexus. Routledge, 2020.
내 chapter의 주제목과 부제목은 그대로.

Bae, Min. "Promotion of a modern holistic vision of hygiene: E. W. Lane’s hygienic medicine in the British medical market, 1850s–1880s." In In Pursuit of Healthy Environments, pp. 176-194. Routledge, 2020.